Hon. Neil Brown

Arbitrator and Mediator
Office of The Honorable Neil Brown

Certifications: KC, C. Arb & C. Med

Languages: English

Melbourne, Australia, Australia

The Hon Neil Brown KC is a Kings Counsel in Australia and has had a distinguished career in government and the law. He is a qualified arbitrator and mediator practicing in international and domestic matters in the commercial, communication, intellectual property and governmental fields. He is a leading arbitrator and adviser on internet domain name disputes. He was a Minister in the Federal Government in Australia and an Adjunct Professor of Law at Murdoch University in Western Australia.

Practice Areas

Intellectual Property Law, Accounting Law, Banking Law, Commercial Law, Commercial Law – Development, Company Law, Consumer Law, Contract Law, Corporate Law, Defamation Law, Education Law, Employment Law, Engineering Law, Entertainment Law, Estate Law, Financial Services, Fine Art Law, Fine Art Law, General Civil Law, Government Law, Health Law, Information Access Law, Information Technology Industry, Insurance Law, International Law, Land Use Law, Life Science Law, Mining Industry, Municipal Law, Corporate Law – Organizational Change, Partnership Disputes, Performing Arts Industry, Planning, Printing Industry, Privacy Law, Product Liability Law, Professional Negligence Law, Professional Organizational Law, Public Policy, Public Utilities Industry, Publishing Industry, Real Estate Law, Resource Industry, Resource Management Law, Royalties Law, Sale of Goods Law, School Law, Small Business Law, Societies Law, Sports Law, Tax Law, Team Facilitation, Trade Law, Trademark Law, Estate Law – Trusts, University Disputes, Vendor Law, Estate Law – Wills, Workplace Law – Staff

Professional Experience

The Hon Neil Brown KC is a Kings Counsel in Australia and has had a long and distinguished career in government and the law. He was a Minister in the Federal Government in Australia in charge of portfolios in Attorney-General’s, Communications and Employment and Youth Affairs. In the law, he has appeared in every jurisdiction in Australia and has had experience in commercial, intellectual property, town planning and taxation matters. He is an Adjunct Professor of Law at Murdoch University in Western Australia. He is a qualified arbitrator and mediator practicing in international and domestic matters in the commercial, communication, intellectual property and governmental fields. He is a leading arbitrator and adviser on internet domain name disputes. Representative cases include:

  • International arbitrations on the sale of goods.
  • A long series of arbitrations, advice, lecturing and tutoring on domain names.
  • Two arbitrations on GST (VAT) relating to small business.
  • Arbitration of a dispute on the international sale of goods between India and the United States.
  • Arbitration of a dispute on the sale of Australian wine to the USA.
  • Arbitration of a dispute between NSW /overseas principal and Victorian agent.
  • Alternative dispute resolution hearing on the price of electricity.
  • Mediation of a dispute on competing proposals for the development of a large tract of land in New South Wales.
  • Mediation of dispute on the provision of fringe benefits under a group of remuneration contracts relating to Fringe Benefits Tax.
  • Mediation on breach of service contract involving IP.
  • Mediation of large construction dispute over steel fixing.
  • Mediation of a dispute on restraint of trade on former employees and directors.
  • Mediation of dispute between lender and shareholders and directors of company.
  • Dispute on the terms of a consultancy agreement.
  • Numerous mediations on quality of work, claims for extras and delays in works.
  • Mediation of several disputes between a private health insurer and groups of private hospitals on the degree of reimbursement to be paid by the insurer to the hospitals.
  • Mediation of several disputes between universities/research institutions and investors on the commercialization of inventions.

Arbitration Experience

Practiced in dispute resolution tribunals, arbitration and mediation since 1964
Qualified Arbitrator and Mediator of The Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators, Australia since 2004
Fellow and Chartered Arbitrator of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
Intellectual property, Society of Australia and New Zealand

Professional and Other Activities

Maintaining website on domain name arbitration at www.domaintimes.info
Extensive writing and lecturing on arbitration and mediation, including domain name arbitration.

Academic Qualifications

University of Melbourne, LLB 1963

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