Michael Erdle


Certifications: FCIArb., C. Arb., C. Med.

Languages: English

Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Michael Erdle co-founded Practical Resolutions Inc. in 2011, to help parties resolve business and commercial disputes in an efficient, cost-effective way, through facilitated negotiation, mediation and arbitration. Michael is one of Canada’s most experienced and qualified commercial dispute resolution professionals. He has more than 25 years’ experience as a commercial lawyer, specializing in technology and intellectual property.

Practice Areas

Intellectual Property Law, Commercial Law – Corporate, Contract Law, Entertainment Law, Fine Arts Law, Information Technology Law, International Law, Partnership Law, Professional Disputes –Negligence, Publishing Industry, Sale of Goods Law, Small Business Law, Technology Law, Trademark Law

Professional Experience

Michael Erdle co-founded Practical Resolutions Inc. in 2011, to help parties resolve business and commercial disputes in an efficient, cost-effective way, through facilitated negotiation, mediation and arbitration. Michael is one of Canada’s most experienced and qualified commercial dispute resolution professionals. He has more than 25 years’ experience as a commercial lawyer, specializing in technology and intellectual property. Michael has negotiated countless agreements and assisted clients in resolving a wide variety of commercial disputes.

He is a trained and experienced facilitator, mediator and arbitrator.

Since 2005, Michael has successfully mediated resolutions in shareholder and joint venture matters, computer software development and implementation projects, copyright, trademark, patent and trade secret disputes. He has acted as sole arbitrator in cases involving ownership of intellectual property, software licensing, system implementation, and other commercial and contract issues. He has acted as mediator/arbitrator in several matters.

Michael is a director of the ADR Institute of Ontario and the ADR Institute of Canada. He is a past president of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, a past director of the Canadian IT Law Association and a past chair of the Toronto Computer Lawyers Group. Michael has written and spoken on many current issues in technology and intellectual property law, including: dispute resolution; software development and licensing; electronic commerce; domain names; and outsourcing. He has lectured at Osgoode Hall Law School and McGill University.  He currently teaches a course in “Powerful Negotiation Skills” at University of Toronto School of Continuing Studies.

Arbitration Experience

  • Advanced Mediation Workshop, World Intellectual Property Organization Arbitration and Mediation Center, Geneva, Switzerland
  • Advanced Mediation Course, Stitt Feld Handy & University of Windsor Law School, Toronto, Ontario
  • International Commercial Arbitration (Accelerated Path to Fellowship), Chartered Institute of Arbitrators
  • Intensive IP Arbitration Course, Canadian Bar Association & ADR Institute of Canada
  • Alternative Dispute Resolution, Osgoode Hall Law School, Toronto, Ontario

Professional and Other Activities

  • 2015 Best Lawyers in Canada®– Alternative Dispute Resolution, Information Technology Law,       Technology    Law
  • Canadian Legal Lexpert® Directory– Leading Practitioner, Computer & IT Law
  • Lexpert / American Lawyer Guide to the Leading Lawyers in Canada– Technology Transactions
  • IAM 250: The World’s Leading Patent and Technology Licensing Lawyers
  • Who’s Who Legal Canada– Internet & E-Commerce
  • The International Who’s Who of Internet, e-Commerce & Data Protection Lawyers

Academic Qualifications

Osgoode Hall Law School, LLB, 1986

Carleton University, Bachelor of Journalism, 1978

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