Nathalie Dreyfus

Law office of Dreyfus & Associés

Professions: Arbitrator

Languages: English, French, German

Paris, France, France

Practice Areas

Copyright Law, International Property Law, International Law, Technology Law, Trademark Law.

Professional Experience

Founder of Dreyfus & Associates, Nathalie Dreyfus is a specialist in Intellectual Property Law and French and European trademark attorney. She is a certified judicial expert approved by the French Supreme Court (Court of Cassation), and a renowned expert consultant of the Court of Appeals of Paris, as well as of the WIPO Arbitration and Mediation Centre and the National Arbitration Forum (NAF). She is also an expert in all issues related to the Internet and new technology.

Arbitration Experience

Since 1992, I have been able to manage issues related to intellectual property law (trademarks, designs, copyright, patent) both in France and abroad. Throughout the years and the opening of my own firm, Dreyfus, I have diversified my areas of expertise. In this regard, I also deal with domain name disputes, phishing, web 3.0 as well as compliance issues regarding domain names;

Strategy in relation to the protection and defence of intellectual property rights on the web, including settlements, counterfeiting, transfers, cancellations, UDRP procedures, out of court actions, follow up of court actions;

Adjunct professor at the University of Strasbourg and at the National School for the Judicial Profession, and regularly speaks at conferences in France and abroad;

Numerous conferences in France and abroad.

Professional and Other Activities

Expert or Panelist:

Certified judicial Expert approved by the Court of Cassation (French Supreme Court)

Certified judicial expert by the Paris Court of appeal

World Intellectual Property Organization Arbitration and Mediation Center (WIPO)

Belgian Centre for Arbitration and Mediation (CEPANI)

Asian Domain Name Dispute Resolution Center (ADNDRC)

Czech Arbitration Court (.eu et gTLD)

Arab Center for Domain Name Dispute Resolution (ACDR)

National Arbitration Forum (NAF)

Italian Center for Arbitration and Mediation in Intellectual Property (MFSD)

French Public Investment Bank (PIB)

National Institute of Industrial Property (NIIP)


National Council of Companies of Legal Experts (CNCEJ)

European American Chamber of Commerce (EACC)

International Trademark Association (INTA)

Association of Trade Mark and Design Law Practitioners (APRAM)

Friends of the Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI) (AACEIPI)

Cyberlex the New Technologies Law Association

International Association for the Protection of Industrial Property (AIPPI)

French Association of Information and Telecommunications Law (AFDIT)

Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN IPC)

European Community Trademark Association (ECTA)

Pharmaceutical Trademarks Group (PTMG)

European Association representing the interests of trademark owners (Marques)



Author in Pascale Luciani Boyer’s book, « L’élu(e) face au numérique : De la puissance publique à la puissance citoyenne, un défi majeur des territoires », 2015 (protection of the name of territorial authorities as trademarks) ;

Author of the book Marques et Internet, protection, valorisation, défense, Edition Lamy

Atteintes aux marques sur l’internet – typologie des atteintes, prévention, sanction,, Edition Delmas, 2ème édition 2006;

Co-author of the book « Marque, dessins et modèles : Stratégie de protection, de défense et de valorisation, Edition Delmas

Marques et noms de domaine de l’Internet, Droit des technologies avancées, Edition Hermes, Volumes 8

Editor of the Dreyfus blog containing articles on legal news related to trademarks, patents, copyrights, Internet, domain names, Web 3.0 and new technologies

Academic Qualifications

Center for International Intellectual Property Studies (CEIPI), trademarks – designs;

DEA in Intellectual and Industrial Property Law, University of Paris II, Panthéon-Assas;

Master’s degree in law, University Robert Schuman, Strasbourg;

“Certificate of English Legal Studies”, University of Leicester, United Kingdom.

Intellectual Property Attorney

European Trademark Attorney

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