Richard Levin

Senior Partner

Certifications: Esq., FCIArb.

Languages: English, French (work and read)

Dallas, Texas, USA

Richard Levin is an independent international and domestic arbitrator specializing in complex disputes, with a special focus on Intellectual Property cases. He has been named to the Panel of International Arbitrators for the AAA and ICC. Given his extensive experience in complex matters he has developed the ability to quickly analyse and evaluate intricate and seemingly convoluted matters as well as multi-jurisdictional or parallel cases.

Practice Areas

Intellectual Property Law, Corporate Law, Company Law, Competition Law, Conflict Law, Contract Law, Defamation Law, Entertainment Law, Environmental Law, Fine Art Law, Foreign Investment Law, General Civil Law, Health Care Law, Hospitality Law, Human Rights Law, Information Technology Law, International Law, Mining Industry, Multi-Party Disputes, Partnership Disputes, Sports Law, Tourism Law, Trade Law. Transportation Law, Technology Industry

Professional Experience

Richard’s practice is directed to international arbitration disputes. He has served as counsel and arbitrator in numerous disputes under the AAA, ICC, ICDR, and ICSID rules. His primary areas of expertise are antitrust, competition, IP, joint ventures, and construction, with industry expertise in energy, chemical, retail, real estate, arts, and sports. He has also handled in the competition area major M&A deals, having led the negotiations and antitrust analyses of international joint ventures and acquisitions, and antitrust compliance issues as well.

Arbitration Experience

Richard is a member of the International Arbitration Institute, the Association Suisse De L’Arbitrage, International Council for Commercial Arbitration, and other organizations relating to international arbitration, as well as the Arbitration Commission of the International Court of Arbitration (ICC), and a member of the former Task Force on Arbitrating Competition Law Issues and the Task Force on Reducing Time and Expense in Complex Arbitrations.

He has been awarded as a Fellow of the Chartered Institute of Arbitrators and has been named to the Panel of International Arbitrators for the International Centre for Dispute Resolution, AAA, and ICC. He is also a member of the Center for American and International Law’s List of Energy Arbitrators and a member of the American Arbitration Association Roster of Neutrals, as well as the LCIA database of arbitrators in London and several other institutions throughout the world, including WIPO (World Intellectual Property Organization),KLRCA (Kuala Lumpur),CRCICA (Cairo),VIAC (Vienna) and the Arbitration Center at the Institute of Modern Arbitration (Moscow). Richard has also been named to the Tech List at the SVAMC (Silicon Valley), a peer vetted selection of “the world’s leading technology neutrals,” and is profiled on the Global Arbitration Review Arbitrator Research Tool (GAR ART). He has been selected to be a member of CPR: International Institute for Conflict Prevention and Resolution (CPR) “Panel of Distinguished Neutrals”.

Richard has been a member of three person tribunals and acted as sole arbitrator in a number of disputes at the ICDR, ICC, and AAA.  He has extensive training through courses sponsored by the AAA, ICDR, ICC and other institutions.  As counsel, he has been at the cutting edge in many cases he has handled, including one of the first Chapter 11 NAFTA disputes under ICSID rules and one of the first arbitrations of antitrust/competition issues under ICC rules.

He has substantial pro bono experience representing children with learning disabilities in their legal issues with their schools. He is a member of COPAA (Parents, Attorneys, and Advocates).

Professional and Other Activities

International Bar Association and other organisations.  See

Academic Qualifications

Richard received his B.A. from Tulane University in 1967 and his J.D. in 1970 from Georgetown University, where he was a member of the law journal Law and Policy in International Business. Following law school, he clerked for the Honorable John C. Godbold, U.S. Court of Appeals for the 5th Circuit. After his clerkship, he was an associate at Sullivan & Cromwell in New York City where he practiced in the Litigation Section. He is a member of the Texas Bar and the Dallas Bar Association.

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