Stefania-Despoina Efstathiou


Certifications: Attorney-at-Law

Languages: English, German, French, Greek

Munich, Germany

Stefania Efstathiou is an alternative dispute resolution and IP lawyer with a particular focus on domain name arbitration. Stefania is a qualified attorney in Greece and Germany (expected 2022) and holds three LL.M. titles. She also serves as a Panelist/Arbiter in UDRP and .eu disputes for other organizations and has extensive professional experience in the field of dispute resolution.

Practice Areas

Intellectual Property Law, Domain Name Law and Arbitration, International Commercial Arbitration, International Investment Law, Investment Arbitration, Data Protection Law, Commercial Law, Contract Law

Professional Experience

Stefania Efstathiou has extensive professional experience in the field of domain name arbitration and has participated in more than 250 domain name arbitration cases. She is a qualified attorney-at-law in Greece and Germany (expected 2022) and holds three LL.M. titles. She also serves as a Panelist/Arbiter in UDRP and .eu disputes for the Czech Arbitration Court and participates regularly in academic and professional events on (domain name) arbitration and IP law.

Arbitration Experience

Stefania serves as a Panelist/Arbiter in UDRP and .eu disputes for the Czech Arbitration Court since 2020 and has participated in more than 250 domain name arbitration cases.

Professional and Other Activities

Stefania is an Ambassador for Arbitrator Intelligence, an Advisory Board member for MediateGuru and regularly participates as an Arbitrator in various arbitration moot courts, such as the Willem C. Vis Moot or FDI Moot. Further, she is a soft skills trainer for the European Law Students’ Association (ELSA) and a member of various professional organizations, such as DIS40, GRUR, Young ICCA, ICC YAF, Young ICSID, Young ITA, YSIAC, Arbitral Women, ASA 40 etc.


Efstathiou, Gender Diversity in International Arbitration, The Law – Women in Law Special Edition, 2020/2021

Academic Qualifications

Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich –  LL.M. Eur. in European and International Economic Law
Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich – LL.M. in German Law
International Hellenic University, Thessaloniki, Greece – LL.M. in Transnational & European Commercial Law, Mediation/Arbitration and Energy Law
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece – LL.B.

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