Steven M. Levy


Certifications: Esq.

Languages: English

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

Steven M. Levy, Esq. has over 30 years of experience practicing in the field of Intellectual Property law and seen a wide range of disputes from many different vantage points (e.g., complainant, respondent, law firm, in-house, etc.). He has been involved in over 600 domain name cases as a party representative and has, more recently, decided over 300 cases as a UDRP panelist.

Practice Areas

Intellectual Property Law

Professional Experience

Steven M. Levy, Esq. has over 30 years of experience practicing in the field of Intellectual Property law and seen a wide range of disputes from many different vantage points (e.g., complainant, respondent, law firm, in-house, etc.). He has been involved in over 600 domain name cases as a party representative and has, more recently, decided over 300 cases as a UDRP panelist.  In commitment to the goals of education, Mr. Levy has been a frequent speaker at conferences including those hosted by the International Trademark Association (INTA) and the Philadelphia Bar Institute (PBI) and has, for a number of years, attended the Advanced Workshop on Domain Name Dispute Resolution in Geneva, Switzerland. His academic background includes a Juris Doctor degree from Brooklyn Law School conferred in1989. To support the UDRP as a fair, efficient, and cost-effective vehicle for resolving domain name disputes, Mr. Levy is a participating member of the ICANN Rights Protection Mechanisms Review Working Group. He is enthusiastic and honored to be a panelist for the CIIDRC.

Professional and Other Activities

  • Levy is a participating member of the ICANN Rights Protection Mechanisms Review Working Group
  • He has been a member of the International Trademark Association for 25 years and is currently a member of the Internet Committee – ICANN RPM Review Sub-Committee
  • Published a blog for

Academic Qualifications

Brooklyn Law School, J.D. Degree, 1989
State University of New York at Buffalo, B.S. Degree in Exercise Science, 1985

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